The Nature of Faith

The nature of faith can be somewhat mysterious. What is faith? How do you describe it? How do I use it or how do I grow in it? These can all be questions that arise when the topic of faith is brought up. I have personally been on a journey discovering the deeper things of faith and it has stirred me beyond belief. For this reason, I wanted to share this post on how you can Supercharge Your Faith.

Hebrews 11 tells us that:

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

First, note that the word “now” comes before the word “faith”. Faith first and foremost is a “NOW” word, and a “NOW” reality. The moment you take a step out in risk, is the “NOW” moment that faith moves. God is always a NOW God, that is why He describe His name to Moses as  “I AM”. God never leaves the present tense. If He did, He would be the great I WAS or the great I WILL BE, but His declaration that He is I AM.

That being said, faith is the same. Faith is in the present tense. Faith says that there is no better time than NOW.

Hebrews tells us that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen. In other words, faith is the proof and the fact that God is who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do. Paul is describing that faith is the evidence so to speak, that you could take to a court case as legal proof of what you believe. 

Faith is an action word. You cannot exercise faith without an action.  James tells us this:

 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead. James 2:26

Faith for the believer is a fact but faith has to be an act. Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations where it is hard to move in faith, idle faith is not faith, it is hope. Idle faith or faith without action says to your situation that you don’t really believe things can change. If you believed something can change you would be compelled into some kind of action. It doesn’t matter how small the action is, as long as it is a step in faith. Sometimes a lack of breakthrough is a result of us not acting and we find out once we take 1 step in faith, God helps us take every step after that.

Sometimes our lack of breakthrough is because we do not have a clear understanding of the will of God in that particular area. 

Faith begins where the will of God is know.  

It is difficult to have faith for healing if you don’t believe it is God’s will to heal. Where you know the will of God in a area faith can move confidently and boldly because it is anchored to His will, bringing His world and demonstrating His reality.

It is important to seek the will of God and get a clear understanding. When His will is clear, you don’t have to wonder, and worry can’t creep in, all you can do is move in faith bringing inferior realities into His superior reality.

You supercharge your faith by using it. It sounds simple because it is. Find His will and you will find your faith. Then, every situation becomes an opportunity to pull the trigger of your gun of faith with boldness. You will experience consistent breakthrough, see more people healed when you pray, favor and the miraculous will follow you everywhere you go because the currency of the Kingdom is faith and God’s eyes are searching the earth looking for hearts of faith in Him!

Joshua Lawrence